Wedding ceremony in Brittany for same sex couples : Gay and Lesbian
From 2021, only intimate weddings with close friends and relatives
Allow yourself an original gay wedding respecting your feelings ! Your celebrant is your guide to create the best ceremony or blessing for you, same sex couples, according to your values. Your story will be an inspiration to prepare a precious and unique marriage. Love has many faces !
Your officiant proposes 2 services :
A personnalized ceremony or blessing, for couples of men or women :
For you a civil wedding at the town hall seems to go too fast and is only "civilian". you feel that this commitment could take on great importance in your day, a unique moment, precious, unforgettable, moving and “sacred”. One of you, or the couple, practice a religion and it is important for you to use during the ceremony your own values and beliefs. With Agathia, thanks to her spiritual and universal approach, you can do that. Read more : the laic ceremony
A spiritual ceremony - blessing with the 4 elements :
You are very close to Nature and your beliefs are universal and humanist , in a spirit of unity. The shelter, protection, meaning that some find in a church or a temple, you find them in the heart of the Nature enjoying a tree, a river, an ocean, a blue sky ...
Agathia guides you through a ceremony using the four Elements : Earth, Water, Air and Fire .This ceremony has the advantage of being especially well accepted by all people without exception. Since it is based on what constitutes the Earth and all of us. Read more about this ceremony with the 4 elements ceremony
Note : for any ceremony, you have to get married in your country to obtain a legal/civil registration
Specific themes for same sex couples :
For couples of men
Highlighting your favorite sport - humor with atwist- a child’s dream - a movie theme - the wine as a main theme – other cultures or countries
For couples of women
Focusing on sensuality , softness with colors, flowers, decoration- stages of commitment involving the 5 senses : sight, sound, smell, taste, tact – the Druid goddesses
Contact this English speaking celebrant in Brittany North West France , first to know, without obligation, and you shall be guided by the magic of a meeting .. simply, joyfully and respecting your choice of Life.
Reports to visit :
Sam and Matthew in Normandy January 2018
Fanny et Jessica Landes South West France
Matthew and Edward near St Tropez